I wrote my first movie synopsis way back in 1977. It was called, Star Wars 2.

It took me three days to write the 2 page outline. When I read it to my grandmother she told me to keep practicing and I could be the greatest “movie writer” ever! I believed my grandmother, even though she had no clue what the Force was. I was gassed up! I’m only 8 years old and already on my way to be the greatest “movie writer” ever.

FAST FORWARD 18 YEARS…and I would find myself in a high security federal prison. I was charged with distribution of a controlled substance and sentenced to a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years. The first piece of mail I received from my grandmother was a money order for one hundred dollars and a note scribbled on a, Nativity St. Peter Claver church pamphlet. It read, “Write! Write for Me not to me, write for your Sister, write for your Brother. Then right your wrong, for HE is not through with you. Your best days are ahead of you. Just write and HE will keep you safe and bless you”. That letter touched my soul! I wept and when that cell door closed for the night and I picked up my pencil and I began to write.

I Am A Writer!

By Michael C Emanuel

Born in (Timmonsville) South Carolina Michael was raised by his maternal grandmother in Brooklyn, New York. In 1988 he entered the United States Army and served 3 years. Discharged under honorable conditions Michael found himself back on the streets of Brooklyn during the height of the crack cocaine epidemic. Like many inner city youths, Michael became involved in distributing illicit drugs and was soon to find himself sentenced to 120 months inside federal prison. It is here, inside the United States Federal Penitentiary Lompoc that Michael developed his unique writing style. With a passion for film Michael narrowed his writing niche to original screenplays. Michael now resides in Henderson, Nevada with his wife Cristalle, son Michael and his daughter Marcella.